
The energy conservation and emissions reduction targets

Development and reform commission (NDRC) deployed 12 measures to ensure that the energy conservation and emissions reduction targets in 2013

China's national development ASME B16.5 Slip-on Flanges and reform commission, 27, including strengthening the energy conservation and emissions reduction targets, 12 measures such as optimizing the industrial structure, to ensure that the goals and tasks completed in 2013, energy conservation and emissions reduction.Resources and environment restriction is the current outstanding problems facing China's economic and social 3D eblow Carbon Steel pipe fittings development. Since the beginning of 2013, the continuing haze weather affect nearly half of the population is put forward urgent requirement of environmental governance.

Development and reform commission, according to the energy conservation and emissions reduction targets the completed progress lags behind, in order to realize "twelfth five-year" goals and carbon steel pipe fitting lr elbows 45 degree tasks (2011-2015), after three years the average energy consumption per unit GDP should be reduced by 3.84%, 1.03% higher than in the past two years the average, nitrogen oxides average decline of 4% or more.

Specific to this year, China's energy consumption per unit gross domestic product (GDP) fell by more than 3.7%, sulfur dioxide and chemical oxygen demand (cod), ammonia nitrogen, nitrogen oxide emissions by 2%, 2%, 2.5%, 2% respectively.In article 12 of the national development and reform commission issued measures, to ensure that the 2013 energy conservation and emissions reduction work task goal no. 1. The official stressed that must strengthen the energy conservation and emission reduction target responsibility, and be included in the official examination system.

In addition, the national development and reform commission, said to adjusting and optimizing industrial structure, controlling the excessively rapid growth of energy intensive and highly polluting industries and blind expansion of excess industry capacity, speed up eliminating backward production capacity to adjust and optimize the energy structure, the development of service industry and strategic emerging industries such as energy conservation and environmental protection.

Structural adjustment, the official deployment in China this year to speed up the implementation of key projects for energy conservation and emissions reduction; Promote including green building, low carbon transport system construction in key areas such as energy saving; The main pollutant emissions, increase fine particulate matter (PM2.5) regulation; Developing circular economy; To accelerate the development of energy conservation and emissions reduction technology and product promotion.

